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Speaking Engagements

To contact Dr. Shahnasarian about speaking engagements, please visit our contact us page. A highlight of his professional speaking events are listed below. 

Convention and Conference Programs

Shahnasarian, M. & Hilby. Optimizing contributor input in life care plan development. Program presented at the annual conference of the American Board of Vocational Experts, Tampa, FL.  


Shahnasarian, M. Fellow address. Program presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO. 


Shahnasarian, M. Making your assessments of earning capacity more robust with the ECAF-2. Program presented at the annual conference of the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals, San Diego, CA. 


Shahnasarian, M. Assessing medical aspects of rehabilitation with the earning capacity assessment form- 2 (ECAF-2). Program presented at the annual meeting of the American Board of Vocational Experts, Orlando, FL. 


Shahnasarian, M. Al dia siguiente. Programs presented at the Por la Via Por la Vida annual meetings in Medellin and Bogota, Colombia. 


Shahnasarian, M. Applying career development expertise in forensic settings. Program presented at the annual meeting of the National Career Development Association, San Francisco, CA. 


Shahnasarian, M. Refining your analyses of loss of earning capacity claims with the earning capacity assessment form - 2 (ECAF-2): Supporting research and applications. Program presented at the annual meeting of Florida Chapter of International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals, Orlando, FL. 


Shahnasarian, M. The earning capacity assessment form (ECAF): Validity, reliability, and other concerns in the valuation of claims of loss of earning capacity. Program presented at the annual meeting of the Nebraska Chapter of the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals, Omaha, NE. 


Shahnasarian, M. Using decision time: A guide to career enhancement to facilitate clients' career decision-making and planning. Program presented at the annual meeting of the National Career Development Association, Washington, DC. 


Shahnasarian, M. The earning capacity assessment form (ECAF): Its construction, use, and validation. Program presented at the annual meeting of the American Rehabilitation Counseling Association, Tampa, FL. 


Shahnasarian, M. Career counselors in forensic settings. Program presented at the annual meeting of the National Career Development Association, Orlando, FL. 


Shahnasarian, M.  The earning capacity assessment form. Program presented at the annual forensic conference of the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals, San Antonio, TX. 


Shahnasarian, M. Vocational assessment in forensic settings. Program presented at the annual meeting of the National Career Development Association, Chicago, IL. 


Shahnasarian, M.  Reshaping career development for the twenty-first century. Program presented at the Mid-Atlantic Conference on Networking for Career Development, Baltimore, MD. 


Shahnasarian, M.  Career development in a changing work environment. Program presented at the annual Mid-Atlantic Conference on Networking for Career Development, Wilmington, DE. 


Shahnasarian, M. NBCC Career Academy. Program presented at the biannual meeting of the National Career Development Association, San Francisco, CA. 


Karpati, F. S., Daigley J., & Shahnasarian, M.  Facilitating the cross-cultural transfer and adjustment of global managers and their families. Program presented at the annual meeting of the American Counseling Association, Minneapolis, MN. 


Major, J., Shahnasarian, M., & Smith, J. R. Taking a hard look at the soft issues. Program presented at the annual Employee Relocation Council Conference, Orlando, FL. 


Smith, J., & Shahnasarian, M. New visions in employment assistance: Domestic strategies, international assistance. Program presented at the annual meeting of the American Counseling Association, Atlanta, GA. 


Shahnasarian, M.  Advanced outplacement strategies that work. Program presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Counseling and Development, Baltimore, MD. 


Shahnasarian, M., & Kahnweiler. Dual career couples and spouse relocation. Program presented at the biannual meeting of the National Career Development Association, San Antonio, TX. 


Shahnasarian, M. Career development in business and industry. Program presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Counseling and Development, Reno, NV. 


Herr, E., Karpati, F., Musgrove, M. L., Shahnasarian, M., Shepard, D., & Zuber, N.  Nuts and bolts of private practice career counseling. Program presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Counseling and Development, Cincinnati, OH. 


Shahnasarian, M.  Putting the success in succession planning. Program presented at the annual American Society for Training and Development Region IX Conference, St. Petersburg, FL. 


Shahnasarian, M., & Drier, H. N. Ethical, legal, and professional issues and their implications for automated career guidance and information systems. Program presented at the International Teleconference on Technology and Career Development, Tallahassee, FL. 


Shahnasarian, M. The planning your career program: An intensive career guidance program for youth. Program presented at the annual CHOICES Conference, sponsored by the Florida Department of Education, St. Petersburg, FL. 


Thomas, M. C., & Shahnasarian, M. Ethical dilemmas surfacing as a result of new roles for career counselors. Program presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Counseling and Development, Chicago, IL. 


Reardon, R. C., Sampson, Jr., J. P., Harris-Bowlsbey, J., & Shahnasarian, M.  Computer-based career guidance: A national review of system use. Program presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Counseling and Development, New Orleans, LA. 


Shahnasarian, M., & Peterson, G. W. The effect of prior cognitive structuring using a computer-assisted career guidance system. Program presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. 


Sampson, Jr., J. P., Reardon, R. C., Maeder, R. F., Shahnasarian, M., & Tenhagen, C.A.  Computer applications in counseling: Selecting software that works. Program presented at the Florida Association for Counseling and Development Convention, Jacksonville, FL. 


Domkowski, D., & Shahnasarian, M. Career development for the individual and the organization. Program presented at the Florida Personnel Association annual conference, Tallahassee, FL. 


Shahnasarian, M.  Peer training for occupational specialists. Two-day program presented at Trainer's Workshop for Occupational Specialists Competencies, Miami, FL. 


Sampson, Jr., J. P., Maddox, E. N., Shahnasarian, M., & Reardon, R. C.  Developing a computer-assisted career guidance system that meets your needs. Program presented at the Florida Personnel and Guidance Association Convention, Daytona Beach, FL. 



Media Experience

Career Development Columnist, USA TODAY Online Career Center Web site.  The Web site received an average of 100,000,000 hits and 7,000,000 page views per day (largest general interest Web site in the United States: and served as the careers section for 80 Gannett-owned newspaper Web sites. Also participated in surveys, live chats, and radio interviews.


Interviewed as an expert on national career development trends by several international publications including Business Week, National Business Employment Weekly, a publication of the Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Mademoiselle, Industry Week, Redbook Magazine , New Choices Magazine, Fortune Magazine, Christian Science Monitor, Newsweek, Achieve Magazine, Occupational Outlook Quarterly, Diversity, The Washington Times, Consulted as a career development and labor market expert by Readers' Digest, Self Magazine, Money Magazine, Weekly Toyo Keizai, USA Today, US News and World Report, and The Wall Street Journal.


More than 30 television and radio interviews addressing topics associated with the Tampa Bay labor market and issues of career changers, including appearances on National Public Radio, Pulse Plus, Live at 5, Suncoast Business Journal, Channel 8 News, Murphy in the Morning, 8 On Your Side, Channel 13 News, Channel 44 News, WC/U, and Baywinds. Consultant to Prime Time Live and Dateline NBC. 

Workshops and
Other Presentations

More than 100 keynote and featured presentations made to members of various professional and service organizations including the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America; Florida Court Reporter's Association; the Florida Psychological Association; National Multiple Sclerosis Society; American Society for Hospital Administrators; American Society of Interior Designers; The Societies of Certified Public Accountants in Louisiana, Illinois, Florida, and Ohio; National Football League Players Association; Hillsborough County Bar Association; National Administration Meeting of Price Waterhouse; National Association of Catering Executives; Pinellas County Trial Lawyers Association; the Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association; National Association of Accountants (Tampa Bay Chapter); Licensed Practical Nurses Association of Florida; Risk Insurance Management Society; SEAK Expert Witness Seminar; Shrine rs Hospital for Crippled Children (Tampa); Stetson Law School; The Children's Board of Hillsborough County; Medical School at Virginia Commonwealth University; and numerous community service organizations. Presentation topics addressed career development of disabled individuals, the Americans with Disabilities Act, various management development topics, and business ethics.

Michael Shahnasarian, Ph.D.

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